Over the last couple of years Trollbeads created an extensive collection for Trollbeads The collection contains glass Trollbeads, Silver Trollbeads but also the expensive golden Trollbeads.
The Trollbeads are available in different price categories. On this website we might give some estimates for the price per category if applicable. We will not supply any price details per individual Trollbead. On the Internet the Trollbeads are available for different prices. And the retired Trollbeads can be very rare and wanted. This might even drive the prices up on the sites as e Bay and Amazon. Please see below the overview for the large Trollbeads collection.
Note: By compiling this overview for the Trollbeads collection we tried to be as accurate as possible. Although it might be possible that the appearance for the real Trollbeads might be different.
Also the specifications for each Trollbeads might be different in reality due to last minute changes by Trollbeads or due to human error on our side. From the information on this site no rights can be derived. Please contact our webmaster if you have any suggestions for this Trollbeads collection overview.
(Page last updated: 14 February 2015)